Hôpital des Nounours 2021

Malheureusement, l’Hôpital des Nounours 2021 ne pourra pas avoir lieu, comme souhaité, en mars. La situation sanitaire ne permet pas d’effectuer cet événement comme les années auparavant. Le comité, auquel le projet tient à coeur, a décidé de le reporter en septembre ou octobre.

National swimsa soirée 15.03. & 17.03.

Are you interested in a swimsa Exchange?
Do you want to go abroad for one month and do a clinical internship or a research internship?
Do you want to get to know students from abroad?
Are you interested in getting engaged in swimsa in general?
Do you want to discover your possibilities as a student besides your daily studies?

Due to the pandemic, it will be held virtually. You can choose between 2 dates with identical content:

  • 15.03.2021, 19:00-20:30
  • 17.03.2021, 19:00-20:30